Global Veterinary
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Pet Name


Case Notes

Fluffy was very brave today. She has recovered well from her ovariohysterectomy and general anaesthesia and her pain is well controlled. Please find some important information about her recovery below.

Reason for admission and estimate

Please follow the medications as per label. She will require an appointment in 10-14 days to assess her recovery. If you have any concerns, please contact us.

Desexing - Discharge Instructions

Your dog is recovering from major surgery and anesthetic and requires continued support and nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. During the recovery period of approximately 10-14 days, home care is extremely important. 

What to expect after surgery

Your pet may experience:

  • Grogginess
  • Decreased appetite for 24-48 hours
  • Decreased bowel movements for 1-2 days after coming home
  • Mild bruising and discomfort a day after surgery
  • Mild cough 2-3 days after surgery from the anesthetic tube causing a small amount of irritation to the throat
  • Mild clipper rash at the surgery site


We strongly recommend strict confinement for the 10-14 days following surgery. Keeping your pet indoors and walking them to the toilet on the leash will help you manage the exercise restrictions. If you need to leave your pet alone, always keep confined to a crate, small room or an area in the home.

Strict confinement means:

  • No jumping
  • No running
  • No stairs
  • No rough playing

It's important to note that excessive activity can lead to injury or serious complications that could result in failure of the surgical incision to heal and may lead to further surgery. 


The area around the incision will have been clipped and sterilized prior to surgery. 

For females, the incision will be on the belly (see image). For males, the incision will be in the groin area.

Please check the incision 1-2 times a day. Some bruising and inflammation are expected just around the incision. The skin may appear inflamed for a few days and is referred to as a clipper rash.

If you notice any of the following signs, call your veterinary practice immediately.

  • Increasing redness
  • Swelling
  • Discharge
  • A smell coming from the incision
Sutures require removal around 10-14 days.

Desexing ear tattoo

Your pet will receive a desexing tattoo or earmark in the ear at the time of desexing.

Elizabethan collar

If your pet licks the area excessively, we can provide a protective collar (Elizabethan collar) to stop this behavior (see image). Licking can lead to the removal of sutures and the opening of the incision. 

It's important to avoid bathing until after 10 days. 


A general anesthetic can make patients drowsy and nauseous. You may find your pet doesn't want to eat or vomits the night of surgery. This is acceptable for the first 24 hours of surgery.

Long term, your pet will require fewer calories as it adapts to its lowered metabolism. A good rule of thumb is to reduce the food by 30%. For a tailored nutritional plan, contact our friendly team.

When to call the veterinarian

Please contact your local veterinary team if your pet:

  • Is licking at the incision site
  • Cannot be confined
  • Has difficulty toileting
  • Has pale gums
  • Is off food after 24 hours of surgery
  • Is vomiting after 24 hours of surgery
  • If you are concerned